
Utku Kızılok, 25 Aralık 2024
The Baath regime, with a 61-year history, unexpectedly collapsed within just 10 days. How could a regime that had managed to survive since 2011 through a devastating and exhausting war, and with significant support from Iran and Russia to fend off jihadists, crumble so quickly?

Utku Kızılok, 8 Ekim 2024
The powerful regional dynamics of the war are increasingly pressuring global forces, pushing imperialist powers toward direct confrontation... Moreover, like the previous two world wars, today's war is unfolding on the global stage, impacting vast regions and shaping the course of the world and the…

Utku Kızılok, 21 Eylül 2024
No matter where we look in the world, we see the same thing: every day, instability and chaos are growing and deepening! The capitalist system, having reached its historical limits and become blocked, has lost its capacity to solve social and environmental problems, turning almost…

Utku Kızılok, 18 Temmuz 2011
An era has ended in European working class movement. The social democratic parties that had been born out of the working class with organic ties to trade-unions have long been turned from being “bourgeois parties” of the working class to workers’ parties of the bourgeoisie.…